Friday, July 07, 2006

NPL World in Pre-Launch: Snag a 6th Level Founder Position Now!

If you are in any other Forex training program, you may be interested in the product that New Precedence LTD is launching soon.

The main products at NPL are webucation, that is, education delivered via the internet. The first product is a live service for forex traders. Even if you are a newbie forex trader, you would be able to use these signals from experienced traders to help you make wise trading decisions.

If you are a network marketing leader, then you may also be interested in the company New Precedence LTD. I joined waaayy pre-launch over a year ago and the founders have been busy crafting a quality program.

NPL is doing several really unique things:

  1. They aren't launching until they fill a 3x8 Founders Matrix.

  2. There is also a 3x4 Personal Matrix and the founders who are in the top 5 levels in the Founders Matrix will be in profit at the launch, with the 6th level folks almost in profit.

  3. 7th and 8th level Founders won't need to pay the monthly fee!

  4. There is a 100% matching bonus paid on your personal referrals!

But the real unique thing about NPL is that NO ONE will have to pay the monthly fee until there earnings cover it! The company trades a large forex account and the earnings from their forex account are used to cover every member's monthly fee until they are in profit!

The compensation plan has been developed in conjunction with Rod Cook, of MLM WatchDog,who actually doesn't think much of Matrices! But his challenge was to create a Matrix that would have a real potential to earn a full-time networker a $1 Million/year income. This new compensation plan that will be used at the launch is being patented.

There are are now 6th level positions available.You would need to follow the directions at: the Application Link The one-time cost is $375. The application is via email to the company. Also, email me at if you are interested or PM me in the MMG forum.

There is a conference call you can listen to on the website at: NPL World Conference Call

Here is a forum thread where you can also ask questions:
Money Maker Group Forum NPL Thread

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