Sunday, January 13, 2008

P-2-P Due Diligence: Be Careful!!

Well, no sooner does it seem something might be OK, then I read a great blog post showing a lot of DD on Pathway 2 Prosperity.

Traderj has done a great job and shows his hosting info and lots of other good tidbits. Since I have repeated the connection with Branson in my previous posts, I found this interesting:

Which brings us back to, because in itself is not a big deal, but holy cow, how many programs has Nicholas been involved in that hasn’t panned out? I must be missing something because according to Nicholas, he is a real successful businessman as stated in his personal note on this site. Note the rate of return on this posting is 250% for the 60 day plan. This page also says he is good friends with Sir Richard Branson, the multi-billionaire. Somebody care to call Sir Richard?

Another bit of DD was the webpage with all of Nic links. If the guy is so successful, what is he doing messing with SURF PROGRAMS!!!

Read the full DD on Nic and P-2-P at OneWorldIncome.

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