Sunday, July 15, 2007

Yaazz Mobadilla to Save on your Global Mobile

Get Yaazz to save on your global mobile charges. It is a tested new system that you can use with your existing phone and SIMS card.

UPDATE: Yaazz has changed its name to Mobadilla and I am not longer a member.

Why? I just don't.. and never will... like cell phones. They are the devil in disquise! But if you are an international user of cell phones, you might like the services Mobadilla has.

How to Move a Blog to a Different Gmail Account

After some digging, I finally figured out how to move a blog from one Gmail account to a different Gmail account. So here is what I did.

  1. Sign in at Blogger to your Blog. Navigate to:
    Dashboard> Settings>Permissions>Blog Authors and invite the email account you want to become the blog admin/owner.

  2. Signout and then login to the Gmail account that you just invited as an Author. Accept the invitation, which will also log you into the blog. Sign out of the blog AND the Gmail account.

  3. Now signin to your Blogger account with the original username.

  4. Navigate to: Dashboard> Settings>Permissions>Blog Authors. Next to the new Author, it says 'guest'. Click 'guest' to change it to Admin. Sign-out of this account.

  5. Now signin to your blog with the NEW Admin account you just created.

  6. Navigate to: Dashboard> Settings>Permissions>Blog Authors and then change the old Admin to guest by clicking on 'Admin'. You can now click on 'Remove' to complete the move to the new Admin.

TIP: BE very aware of which account you are in and make sure you logout of the Gmail account when you are done with step 2.

Thanks to The Real Blogger Status for how to do this, I just made the instructions more detailed. Good tips there on managing your blog.

Managed Forex Fund

I have access to a legitimate managed forex fund. They have two funds; one with a $5000 minimum and one with $10,000 minimum. I will not post the link here and ask that you contact me via skype and email let me know if you have the minimum and are a serious investor. I will need your real name, phone and email to refer you. Thank you.

July 13 2007 Amityfunds Update

As you can see, Amityfunds if finally going private. If you want to join Amityfunds, you will need to contact a current member who can sign you up in their back office. From the Amityfunds backoffice:
News Update - Published 13.07.2007

Dear Amityfunds members.

As many of you already know, we have experienced several problems during the last weeks. Most of the problems related to the DDOS attack are resolved, and we are happy about that.

However, a problem never shows up alone….

At the moment we are experiencing transfer problems, related to the payment solutions we are using. To explain it in an easy way, we lack funds in accounts to fulfill requests because we are experiencing difficulties transferring funds to these accounts from our funding resources.

This happened due to the high amounts of withdrawals ordered in the period we had problems. This often happens and can be described as a money run, as many believed that we were disappearing. This however is NOT what is happening.

We are doing our best to solve these issues, and during this process we will not process any new withdrawals. If you have received a message saying that your request is approved, funds will be transferred to your account as soon as we have received funds to our accounts.

We hope to solve these issues in the near future.

Flushing the system

We will soon be flushing the system for inactive members. By inactive members, we mean members who have not made deposits or have not had any other activities during the last month. This is done to protect our site and flow of information.

Removal of Public Information and Public Signup

As a step to secure the AF Website, we are removing all public information and signup links.

We will remove all advertising banners and marketing material. The only way of signing up new members will be through your personal backoffice, done by an existing member. The only thing showing on the AF front page will be a login box, all other info will be moved to your personal backoffice.

Flushing the ticket system and moving it

We know that many of you are frustrated about the response time at support. The solution is quite easy. The ticket system is currently being flooded by spam, and at the moment there are 19,000 unanswered tickets. It is extremely time consuming to manually check all these tickets, so we have decided to flush the system, and move it to the backoffice as well. This means that all previous tickets will be removed, but will quicken the response time for our support staff to respond to your questions. Please do not send tickets on the subjects already covered in this news update.

SSL Certificate
Yes, we know the certificate has expired, but its still working. And, YES, it will be renewed.

We plan to begin PSHLP-6 in August when the website has been updated.

HYVUM will open during next week, and mandatory funds will be processed.

The operations we are going through will take some time, but we hope to be finished during July. Due to all the new changes, the site might be off at times, but we are still here and working on making Amityfunds even more secure for the long term. We ask for your patience during this period, as we are working on securing AF for you.

We want to assure you that all programs are running normally. While we have said this in the past, we want to reassure all members of this and we thank you for your support and continued patience .

Kind Regards
Amityfunds Management

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Wondering What's Happn with Plexpay?

As I have been meeting people lately who are not hearing from their former Plexpay sponsors and are not aware that the case with Norway Police is going to court on week 44, 2007 (November 1st week), and other news.. here is important info for you:

A special forum has been set up by PlexPay members to build a case for the return of funds to members. The following email was released Feb 28, 2007 and the forum is open only to PlexPay members....

"A long time has gone since our Plex Opportunity was ripped away from us.
As many of you already know, the plex case is taking a long time to end, TOO LONG,..... And we now feel its time to take action.

You have received this e-mail because you were a member of Plexpay, and your information was gathered by your uplines, and provided to us to be able to comunicate this information to you.
We will not answer any e-mail, or send you anymore e-mails regarding the Plexpay Case, all communication is managed from the Forum.
We have created a forum, where suggestions on how to proceed with the ongoing case will be published.
Not all get this info, as e-mails are not working, usernames are missing etc, but please pass this info on to your downline.

You can log in to the forum page with your Plexpay Username, and the password: 1234qwer
Click this URL to login:

Remember this is NOT an official site, but an Independent page for Members of Plexpay, where we can unite to work the case.
The page is managed by Members of Plexpay on a voulenteer basis under the motto: "People Helping People"

We have allready a lawyer in place to manage the case for us, as described in the forum.

We hope you appreciate our effort to try to solve this to the best for all members.

Kind Regards

Jon Inge Nordal
Initiative Taker & Plex Member

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

James Ray's Free Seminars Nationwide

You saw him on The Secret and on Larry King Live. Now you can see him at Live Events all over the country. There are also Live Teleseminars you can participate in on the phone for free. His events fill up quickly, so jump in and prepare to be expanded!

Just suppose you could transform your world, by thinking about your future 20 minutes a day -- for 21 days... Find out how.

Do read about his Harmonic Wealth Weekend; that really struck a chord with me! Really! After years of struggling for balance, his concept of Harmonic Wealth puts it all in a more realistic perspective.

Monday, March 26, 2007

What's it Worth? Calculate It!


To get an indication of the power of the Enhancement Package available through Multimax Network, there are calculators for the PSHLP, which requires a $5000 minimum, and the CLP-1 ($100 minimum),


See that link for complete download links for the Excel/OpenOffice spreadsheets and instructions.

Calculators courtesy of our group leader, GSI.

Multimax: "Just the Loan Programs, Please"


The most popular product package at Mutlimax Network is the Enhancement Package.

It seems a lot of folks are primarily concerned with access to higher paying financial enhancement loan opportunities that are managed by Amity Trade Invest, SA. These include the Premium Syndication Hedge Loan Program-PSHLP (2.6%) and CLP-1 (1.95%).

For about $700, you can purchase the Enhancement Package and get a minimum loan started.

1. Join Multimax Network Free, if you haven't done so yet.
2. Fund your account. You will need about $550 USD; e-gold, e-bullion, Credit Card, HOI accepted, account funding fees of about $15.
3. Purchase the Enhancement Package for about $535 USD; 400 Pts (Euros)
4. Loan a minimum of $100 USD in CLP-1
5. Or Loan a minimum of $5000 USD in PSHLP

Here's a PDF you can download to learn more about PSHLP. Download

AmityFunds Signup Free & Explore


One of the best ways to Evaluate both Amityfunds and Multimax Network is to join them for free.

First, you Join Amityfunds. Record your username and password.

Then you Join Multimax Network using the SAME username and password you used in Amityfunds.


Now login first at Amityfunds and click on Amityfunds Loan Programs and Amityfunds HYVUM®.

To learn more about Amityfunds loan programs, click on Marketing Tools and scroll down for the PDF documents.

Contact me via my profile here if you have questions.